One of the most memorable things about this module is the bond that I had built with the class in general. Even though we were cold towards each other during the first day of the lessons, now we can chit chat with each other as though there’s no tomorrow, spouting nonsense and laughing at each other’s silliness. Other than that, I had also learnt to be a better presenter (I hope) and also a better writer. I used to have a problem of writing with coherency, even for my other writing courses in the past. However, I am glad that I have since passed that stage and become a decent writer.
Sadly, good times fly and I hate to leave this class now. Maybe I am hoping to develop stronger bonds and friendship with the nice people in this class, but all good things will eventually come to an end. And so, I have this very queer idea in mind – what if there is a sequel to this module? Perhaps a level 3000 ES module that will allow students to opt if they want to further this course and let the whole class stay in the same group. Till then, I believe rapport is better among the peers and maybe we are able to each unleash our deepest and greatest potential in some of the activities carried out for this semester – oral presentation, peer-teaching and open discussion sessions.
So, after a year or two, who will still cross my mind – Brad Blackstone or Brad Pitt? I’ll go for the former if I get to see him often in school. =P
Thanks for the great partnerships in the oral presentation, Sarah and Xiang Min. Thanks for the great comments and tolerance shown towards boring old me to Chee Siang, Wan Wei, Abby, Yuan Ru, Aldrich, Wen Jun, Ken Jie, Sheryl, Evonne, and lastly, Brad. You guys are no doubt a rainbow in my life!
ReplyDeleteYou ought to thank me for making you take this module with me in the first place!!!! So where's my treat?
There are many things I have to thank you for:
1) Thank you for being my team's slave driver
2) Thank you for leading my team well
3) Thank you for making me stay up late with you for many nights (NOT!) It literally drove me crazy!)
Nevertheless, I agree with you that our class has built great rapport with each other for the past 13 weeks! We rock! You have shown great improvement in your oral presentation skills if I compare your peer teaching and OP performance! I'm proud of you for that.
P.S Even though classes have ended, you will still be seeing me almost everday! WAHAHAHAHA!
Hi Ivan,
ReplyDeleteI certainly agree with you that this is one of the most interesting modules ever. I am glad you felt so strongly for leaving me… I mean us. Haha. (Sarah, i meant no harm!)
I will also like to thank you for those long and constructive comments. They are deeply appreciated!
Chee Siang
Hey Ivan,
ReplyDeleteYou are absolutely right! This module is very different, and no other modules could beat it when it comes to interactivity. Ever since I started university, it became a norm to just mix and mingle with a small portion of my modulemates and I am glad that this module resembled a classroom's scenario, pretty much like what we used to have back in the old days of primary and secondary school (except that we didn't have a class monitor :p). I think all of us can safely say that after completing this course, we see some improvements in our writing, speaking and communication skills in general.
I would also like to thank you for the time and effort you spent in commenting on my blogposts. The comments are long (probably longer than my post?) and they really helped me in improving my writing skills. And I think my first draft of job application letter was so terrible that it probably gave you and Yuan Ru a big headache. Sorry for the trouble caused, and thinking back, I really could not imagine submitting such rubbish to a prospective employer. Once again, thank you for the valuable feedback.
Last but not least, it's great to know you and work with you on the mock job interview and also other activities where we were assigned in the same group. All the best for your finals!
I like the metaphor of the class as a rainbow. Thanks, Ivan, for that and for all the appreciation expressed in this heart-felt post. You guys made the class what it was, really---I was just there to facilitate and provide feedback. A true pleasure working with all of you.
ReplyDeleteYes indeed, a follow up module would be great, one in which we could further explore all sorts of communication topics, from negotiating and consensus building to more depth on social intelligence and intercultural comm. But alas...
As for your meeting me or Brad Pitt in the future, well, I don't have the motorcycle collection he has, nor do I have any experience making movies. My homespun stories might get old fast. Still, I do have an appreciation for each and every individual I meet and work with. In that regard, it's been a pleasure to work with you and the rest of G9.
Three cheers to a fun term and fine learning experience!
Best of luck to you, dude, in your future!
Hallo Ivan,
ReplyDeleteGreat idea about the sequel, haha! Thanks for being such a great classmate and evaluator/commentor on my blog posts, OP... Your blog comments were very useful and insightful and were of great help. I think that you'd be a great teacher :)
Don't worry: You've definitely a good speaker/presenter and a good writer. May you continue to grow even further in these two areas.
Wishing you all the best for your exams!
Sarah, are you saying that I owe you a big one for joining this module? Ha, okay then, I should treat you on another separate occasion. As for your three thanks, I would say thank you for your compliments. Being a slave driver was fun and leading this team was not a difficult task, since both Xiang Min and you are hardworking team members. As for the staying up late portion, let’s discuss that privately. =P I believe that I have an improvement in my oral presentation skills, but I’m afraid of going rusty without consistent practice for it. So, let’s take up another module for oral presentation and writing!
ReplyDeleteP.S: I’ll see you everyday but I’ll still torture you everyday to study and stop sleeping. =)
Oh Chee Siang, we can continue our rendezvous after ES2007S on Facebook and let’s delete Sarah from our Facebook accounts also. * Just joking * Oh well, no problem for the long comments, I hope that they are really constructive. That’s the problem with being old – naggy and long comments. No offence taken okay? Good luck to you in your future endeavors and your girlfriend! ;)
Yes Wan Wei! Great minds think alike! * Woohoo * This module has more or less brighten up my pathetically screwed-up semester. =( I agree with you, all of us are now better speakers and writers! Sorry for the long posts, as mentioned to Chee Siang, this is a syndrome for old-age >.< No problem, your first draft of job application letter was not a disaster! Really! It wasn’t badly written, just that Yuan Ru and I did not know what criteria to refer to for the job application. No worries. I hope that my feedbacks to you were of value, if not I’m causing you more harm.
ReplyDeleteI’m glad to know you too, remember to say ‘hi’ to me whenever you see me in future, and all the best to you for the finals too! =)
Hello Brad! Sorry for the idea of a follow-up module, didn’t mean to find more work for you and deprive you from family bliss. Don’t worry, I’ll still remember you, Brad Pitt may be handsome, but looks will deteriorate with time, but wisdom will only grow and mature with time. Glad to have you as a teacher, I have really learnt to be a better speaker and writer!
ReplyDeleteHip-hip hurray! Hip-hip hurray! Hip-hip hurray!
All the best to you too Brad, and hope that you will be able to lead more batches of NUS undergraduates to a route of being a better public speaker and writer!
Hello Abigail! Ha glad that you have the same sentiments for a sequel to ES2007S! =P No problem girl, you are a great classmate and blog pal too! =) I really hope to be a great teacher in future, with rascals manifesting the secondary schools nowadays, jobs as teachers are becoming less sought after and more stressful than ever! * faint * Oh well, same to you too Abigail, hope that you will be an outstanding writer and presenter in future, trust me you’re not far from it at all! =)
ReplyDeleteAll the best for your exams too and catch you around in campus!
Dear Ivan,
ReplyDeleteI will miss you a lotc(Sarah dun get the wrong idea ok?:) )
I feel you are a very good presenter, so confident and eloquent. Your resume and application letter was also excellent. You have definitely gained a lot during this module!
Time indeed have flown past so quickly sigh. There are also no exams(which is good!) for us to meet up again at.
Rapport is also something we have all build up in this module. As I mentioned in my post I have never got to know many of my tutorial mates, if any. This is certainly a refreshing module!
Hope to see you around soon bro and treat Sarah well! In the meantime take care and meet on facebook!
Hi Ivan,
ReplyDeleteYou are so funny la, I like how you always incorporate humour into your sentences! I’ll always remember your first post about winning a certain fair maiden’s heart.. Haha you both are just so sickeningly sweet! And yes, about the late nights, you guys should really discuss that privately, you know? *ahem*
Well Ivan, firstly you are always giving very insightful comments so quickly, super spoil market! Haha But I really appreciate them, they are always extremely helpful, and your sincerity really shows. =)So thank you!
It has truly been a pleasure meeting you, and I hope I did not make you penniless after our last conversation regarding the ATM Cards =x See you around school ya? And all the best for your papers!
Regards, (sorry no XOs for you just in case…),
Hello Ivan!
ReplyDeleteAnother Facebook camper here, eh? Haha, stop flirting with Sarah on Facebook! It's too sweeeeeeeeeeeeet for the public eyes!
Firstly, I have to DISAGREE. Are you sure ES2007S is the most interesting lesson since u started primary school?? Hahaha, I thought it had to be Physical Education! Okay, just kidding (: I do have to agree that this module was very different from other modules offered in NUS and the approach and teaching styles are very unique, partly thanks to Brad too for making everything ten times less boring. (Did you see the other classes where everyone had on formal wear for presentations?!! Yikes!)
And I like your idea about having a level 2 or 3 ES module but I wonder what will the syllabus be like? Probably we'll be tasked to draw up the much-feared 25pages proposal then? Or maybe put through a formal interview with the tutor? Thats too much stress though, it takes the fun away from ES!! ):
Haha and yes, Sheryl is very right! I also noticed that you will be one of the first few along with Sarah to comment on our blog posts! Really diligent but you always make me panic when I see your comments, it makes me feel like I'm too lazy!
Of course, I need to thank you for all your constructive comments and feedback throughout the course and also your jokes and late-night facebook alerts (: Do keep in touch!!
Cheers, Yuan Ru.
Hi Ivan,
ReplyDeleteActually I prefer the Physical Education lessons in school, but ES2007S is undoubtedly the best module I have ever taken in NUS. Awesome!
I am really impressed by your verbal communication skills. Perhaps other than teaching, you may want to become a part-time property agent in future. Given your persuasive skills and eloquence, you could earn enough to buy a 24-carat diamond ring for someone in no time. =)
It was my greatest privilege to work with you for the project. If there is really a sequel to this module, hope you will not mind accommodating me in your team again.
Xiang Min
Hey Ken Jie bro! No problem, we should meet on Facebook. Have no fear, Sarah is taking good care of me (Times have changed, the patriarchal world has became a matriarchal pre-dominated world). Hahaha. See you around soon and remember to camp on Facebook okay? We'll b**** about life and studies. Haha.
Oh Sheryl, all thanks to you and Yuan Ru, now Sarah has the idea of conquering all my ATM cards and VISA cards. ARGH! What horror, what audacity! Oh well, ladies always have the last say. Thank you for your compliments, not that I want to spoil market, it's just that I was rather free during the mid semester until all my lousy mid-term grades hinted to me that I should be concentrating on studying and not too much on Facebook camping and blogging! =P Oh well, see you around in campus and wish you all the best for your exams too! =D
Yuan Ru! =P Aiyoh, Facebook is an open social networking tool, so a little hard for us to conceal everything under cover. * Sigh * Thank you for your compliments. I feel that you are a great classmate too, and don't worry, you're not at all lazy in this module! Good times are short, and I guess it's time for us to say bye in this class and more hellos during the 30th November! =) See you in the PGP exam hall! * Grins *
Hello Xiang Min! Nice to see you here in my cosy little pig sty! =P Thanks for your compliments, but now with the given economic situation, I think I'll just stick to teaching. Have you read the papers? Housing agents for private houses are starting to eat grass - sales have dropped by more than 50% within the last few months! Worrying! Maybe that means that houses will be cheaper for us to buy in future? =P As for the 24-carat diamond ring, we have discussed before, the cap amount is $10k, so maybe a near-flawless 2-carat might be a good catch already! Hahaha * Exposing what is on Sarah's mind * Oh well, if the sequel really exists, we should work in a team again! Yay! Let's bully Sarah! =X Anyway, see you around in school and don't just crop yourself in Engineer, come to Science to visit Brad, the others and myself! =)
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